Truck Insurance Most Frequently Asked Questions
The commercial trucking industry has seen a lot of change lately, especially when it comes to innovation and tech in the actual trucks being used.
There are some key do’s and don’ts for saving money on your insurance, but perhaps the best piece of advice is to be honest (regardless of how tempting it might be to overstate the value of your truck, or ‘forget’ a speeding conviction).
Top Tip – Giving off a Safe Image Pays Dividends
If you’re facing a visit from an insurance agent, it’s prudent to spend some extra time sprucing up your truck before an inspection.
Your semi may not be the most infallible vehicle on Earth, but even simple things such as ‘Fire Extinguisher Inside’ stickers and getting rid of the old McDonald’s wrappers from the dash can enhance your appearance as a conscientious driver. In turn, this could subtly influence the agent inspecting your vehicle to offer lower insurance prices.
Get a Free online quote for your Truck Insurance: Quote here
The commercial trucking industry has seen a lot of change lately, especially when it comes to innovation and tech in the actual trucks being used.
Getting the right insurance for your commercial trucking business can be difficult. It’s hard knowing exactly what kind of truck insurance coverage you need. There
What Information I need to fill a Truck Insurance Claim?: Contact your insurance agent regarding filing a claim, he or she will require the following